The Parish Council is the first tier of Local Government and is the representative body for the Parish of Longbridge Deverill, which includes the villages of Hill Deverill and Crockerton. We report to Wiltshire Council on a range of issues which include Planning, Highways, Rights of Way, Community safety to name but a few.
Many issues and concerns e.g fly tipping, pot holes etc. can be reported to Wiltshire Council, directly by parishioners, via the My Wiltshire app click here Wiltshire Council Booking and Reporting. This is often the quickest way to report a problem and the system will acknowledge your report. However, please feel free to discuss and pass on your concerns to the Parish Council Clerk or any of the Parish Councillors.
Any issues that you might wish to raise at a Parish Council meeting must be included on the agenda prior to the meeting. Agendas are generally issued 7 days before a meeting. Any member of the public can attend a Parish Council meeting. This information is advertised on Parish notice boards located at the Longbridge Deverill garage, opposite the Bath Arms in Crockerton, outside Crockerton Primary School and on this website.
Annually, the Parish Council is able to award small grants to local groups. For example, the Village Hall, the Longbridge Deverill Flower show. The Parish Clerk will be able to advise if your group is interested in applying for a grant.
Other recent Parish achievements include the establishment of two community speed watch teams and the introduction of 2 speed indicator devices, which are used throughout the Parish at various locations.